Well it looks like I missed the opportunity to tell you that tour ended! About two weeks ago, in fact. Many apologies. I was going to write a new blog post as soon as it happened but then I found myself completely lost in the world. I had no idea what I was doing for two weeks straight. I would wake up not knowing where I was, what to eat for lunch, or how to maintain my hygiene. So it's probably a good thing that I didn't see many of you during this time period. I can't tell you what was going through my mind in the final week of tour because I just don't remember. It was all a blur. But what I CAN tell you that it completely affected my outlook on life and my career.
Things I learned while on tour:
1. Living in close proximity to a small amount of people is very hard
2. Making decisions is necessary in life and SHOULD be made
3. Traveling is awesome
4. It is important to be flexible- in decision-making and thought
5. Always locate the nearest urgent care and Walmart- they will be your best friends
6. Being a relatable and kind human being goes a long way
7. Always say good morning- it starts the day off right
While tour was fun many days, it will also insanely hard. Remembering to wake up in a positive mood every morning was hard- especially on days that started at 5am. But that positive attitude is what saved many terrible days. We, as a cast, got through a lot of our terrible days like that. And then again, we got through many terrible days WITHOUT that (but those were much more unbearable). We had a lot of fun though, and I have a TON of pictures that makes it look like I lead an awesome life.
But now it's back to normativity. Which is actually really hard to assimilate into after leading a nomad life for six months. I suddenly realize how much of the "real world" just doesn't matter. I have also realized that working my butt off for no money and not having a day off to actually gain my sanity back is no fun. I am definitely making changes to my life- I'm choosing to LIVE instead of pretending to live by just surviving. Does that make sense? The world has enough workaholics. I want to focus on being sustainable AND happy. It's funny how in this world, we make it our goal to be "blank AND happy". As if both are not typically the norm. My goal this summer is to make both the norm for myself. Because I deserve it, dammit. And you should want to also! Because I want you to, dammit!
Changes I have made for ME:
1. I don't have a set schedule at work yet- I am just substitute teaching swim lessons right now
2. I got a NYC recreation center membership (it's only $25/year for those of us under 25) so I can go swimming regularly
3. I'm setting time aside to play my uke every week
4. I'm promising to take myself on a vacation or mini-vacation or getaway as often as I can and as much as my bank account will allow
5. I am promising myself that I will [try to] stop worrying so much about money because money comes and goes just as the waves in the ocean come and go
6. I will [try to] stop stressing about things out of my control in general
7. I will remind myself every day of what I DO have in my life RIGHT NOW that makes me happy
I have now stepped off of my soap box.
In other news, I see Evan in one week and two days. That's 9 days for all you math people. I cannot believe it's been six months since I saw him last. It doesn't seem like a lot of time when you put it into the grand scheme of life but not seeing someone for even a week can make you sad. I feel for all my girls and guys in long-distance relationships right now. It's not easy for anyone. My mom still says she misses my dad even when he goes on a business trip for a few days. However, "absence makes the heart grow fonder". And that is true. My heart is very fond.
In order to pass the time quickly this week, I am covering a few shifts at work, working on my uke skills, and Diana Spieller is in town for her birthday!! So this weekend will just be a blur of glitter and sunshine. Oh, and it's pride week. That could be where the glitter is coming from. I will be at Pridefest on Sunday and I hope you will too. I also hope you say happy birthday to Diana since she is great.
Until next time...
P.S. Should I change the title of my blog now or.........?