Monday, January 13, 2014

I'd Like To Thank The Little People...

WHOA! Happy New Year's resolution to me! This was the top of the list, the A to my game, my numero uno prioritaaaaaay! And it's finally here. WELCOME.

At this point in time, I have one follower... myself. But you gotta start somewhere, right? I am going to do my best to keep you entertained, informed, and enlightened throughout this blog. "Why?" you may ask. I am starting out this new year with a new job- and it's one that pays me (my parents are happy)... And it's a theatre job (I AM HAPPY). I embark on a new adventure tomorrow. YES, TOMORROW. Tour begins.

For those of you who have been ignoring my facebook posts or have been living in a hole, I am going on tour with TheatreWorks USA performing in Teacher from the Black Lagoon and Other Stories. What better way to ring in a new job in a new year than with a blog updating my loyal (and soon-to-be-loyal) fans?! "There IS no better way!" When you're right, you're right.

Don't worry, though. The entire blog won't be just about me and where I'm traveling to next.
-It will include handy tips while on the road.
-It will include testimonials from the other cast members.
-It will include jealousy-inducing photos.
-It may or may not include pictures of adorable puppies (let's be honest, no blog is complete without pictures of animals doing people things).

In all seriousness, though, I thank you for "joining" me on my journey. I also thank you in advance for not pointing and laughing at the embarrassing things that I may or may not post (let's be honest, no blog is complete without pictures of people doing animal things).

Regards from the Lagoon,

Up next... Why Ziploc Bags Are Your New Best Friends: A Packing Tutorial